
Why I moved from realistic photography to abstract photography
Moving away from photography based on reality After many years of producing realistic photographic prints, I became tired of my prints looking like everyone else’s pictures. I wanted to be unique with my camera. At the time of my transition, everyone had been...

Abstract Desert Art – Exploring Minimalism and the Essence of Experience in Nature
Some view abstract desert art as reducing something to its core by eliminating all details and superficial elements. Others define abstract art as anything created without the intention of faithfully representing reality. A dictionary definition is: Abstract art is a...

Abstract Landscape Photography – Defying Convention
What is Abstract Landscape Photography? Abstract landscape photography takes photographs away from the readily recognizable world we live in. It creates an image that may have elements in it that are recognizable, like grass, mountains, bushes, and sand dunes, but...

What My Art Means
The many meanings of my art Meaning is a broad subject that has different connotations to the artist and the viewer. Creating conversation But for me there is no difference. The viewer’s and my meanings are connected through seeing and responding to my art. It...

Going off the Res
Going Off the Res - Taking My Desert Landscape Art to a New Level My first foray into the art world was photography. I worked hard to make good photographs. But as time went on, I wanted to make my photography into art. Many people do not consider photography to be...

Another beginning
Off and on - the life of an erratic online presenceMy online journey over the years has been a series of stops and starts. Perhaps it is because I have been doing this as a “side interest” in addition to my primary profession of medicine. Now that I have retired and...